Saturday 18 June 2011

Harry Potter

This is one the most recent tattoo's I did on a good friend. Its a Harry Potter symbol. It's on his lower leg towards the ankle. This tattoo took a lot of time as I really needed to focus on it being symmetrical and having sharp crisp lines throughout.

Monday 13 June 2011

Butterfly Tattoo (outline)

This tattoo I done on myself, its on my lower leg. The outline was quite difficult to do because of the positioning, but I was able to freehand draw it onto my skin, take the necessary cleaning and tattoo myself within half an hour. I am pleased with the outcome, it hasn't faded and the lines are quite sharp. In the future I will add more int requite detail into the butterfly and gradually add colour.

Family tattoo

This is the the first text tattoo I done on myself, I free handed the writing onto the arm which wasn't too difficult. Then i stretched and outlined the lettering. I am pleased with the outcome, since then I have had to touch up the loop on the 'l' because I didn't go deep enough into the skin. 

Cherry Blossom painting design.

Here I demonstrated my drawing skills by taking an image of the internet and free handing the cherry blossoms and water splashes. I then painted it using acrylic and water colour paints adding shade and deep black outlines.

Koi Fish design painting.

This is my Koi fish painting. I used a stencil for it, and coloured it using acrylic paints and outlined it in a thick black outline. I am pleased with the outcome although I think I could have used more oranges in the Koi's scales.

Koi Fish design

Space Invader (outline)

This is the space invader tattoo I did for a very close friend, its the first tattoo I did without using a premade stencil. I drew it freehand on the skin with a ruler and skin pen. The picture isn't great quality but on a further date I will post a picture of the finished piece as since this point I have coloured it.